C#ā€¢2y ago

Is there any benefit to write a Property with a private variable ?

private int myVar;
public int MyVar { get => myVar; set => myVar = value; }
private int myVar;
public int MyVar { get => myVar; set => myVar = value; }
may be better than:
public int MyVar;
public int MyVar;
if we let get and set public ?
26 Replies
Becquerelā€¢2y ago
in most IDEs, you get that useful '1 usage' tag above properties, but not fields
Becquerelā€¢2y ago
additionally, properties are required for a lot of frameworks that require attributes over methods -- such as MVVM frameworks and serialization
yotabitā€¢2y ago
I think that the easiest way to see the reason is to understand that not always you'll just get/set the same value. For example:
private int myVar;
public string MyVar
get => myVar.toString();
set => myVar;
private int myVar;
public string MyVar
get => myVar.toString();
set => myVar;
In this case, you return a String, but what you have is an integer
LDamiā€¢2y ago
I know that, my question was about if I take the exact same value
yotabitā€¢2y ago
Yes. It's exactly the same value
LDamiā€¢2y ago
I forgot about that point, you are right !
Becquerelā€¢2y ago
dp, they mean in the degenerate case where it's the same type with public get/set
LDamiā€¢2y ago
There can be difference in some methods calls between variable and properties ? šŸ¤”
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
The most important part is "because now you can change it without breaking things later"
Becquerelā€¢2y ago
thisowo a very good point
LDamiā€¢2y ago
And is there any convention for when we must use variable instead of property ?
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
The convention is always use properties for public things
Becquerelā€¢2y ago
fields for private implementation details, properties for publicly-exposed stuff
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
in normal C# at least. in unity, its different
Becquerelā€¢2y ago
public class MyClass
private int _myField;
public int MyProperty { get; set; }
public class MyClass
private int _myField;
public int MyProperty { get; set; }
LDamiā€¢2y ago
šŸ‘ šŸ‘Œ So 'get; set;' without associated private variable is good too ?
Becquerelā€¢2y ago
yep, absolutely fine it's equivalent to writing it out the long way šŸ™‚ you only need the private field if you do more complex stuff
Aeon Vex
Aeon Vexā€¢2y ago
I'd say in unity properties are still preferred, you just can't really use auto properties if you want to serialize
LDamiā€¢2y ago
Like read-only Property ?
Becquerelā€¢2y ago
nope, you can do public int MyProperty { get; } by itself just fine i mean like this
LDamiā€¢2y ago
Oh I was thinking about private set; but it's the same, my bad
Becquerelā€¢2y ago
private int myInt;

public MyInt
get => myInt * 2;
if (value % 2 == 0) myInt = value;
private int myInt;

public MyInt
get => myInt * 2;
if (value % 2 == 0) myInt = value;
contrived example, but yeah
FroH.LVTā€¢2y ago
Invoke some event on set . Eg
public string Name {get {
return privateName;

}; set{
privateName = value;
public string Name {get {
return privateName;

}; set{
privateName = value;
LDamiā€¢2y ago
Will this not trigger an infinite loop when setting Name ?
FroH.LVTā€¢2y ago
ah yes, fixed
LDamiā€¢2y ago
Okay, I unserstand ! Thanks šŸ™‚
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