C#3y ago

App.Config vs Resources.resx [Answered]

What's the main difference between them also why App.Config considered more secure approach ? 2nd question: Can i store type values with App.Config like ConsoleColor.Red ?
8 Replies
ServatorOP3y ago
Mayor McCheese
app.config would store settings about your application from an execution standpoint, it's not particularly secure, especially for a client app. You have prebuilt structures for things like connection strings A resource file is typically used to store information about your application from a usage perspective, label fields, etc. There is a whole system for resource files in different languages for instance.
ServatorOP3y ago
Also there is AppSettings I am really confused about those What would you prefer ?
Mayor McCheese
AppSettings.json? App.Config is pretty rigid and in code has a lot of static helper classes, I don't personally like it, people tend to use ConfigurationManager class like it's going out of style and I think it promotes bad coding practices.
ServatorOP3y ago
There is type safety issue too
Mayor McCheese
for example:
class Something
string GetData()
var value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SomeKey"];
return value;
class Something
string GetData()
var value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SomeKey"];
return value;
I have no way to track usage of "SomeKey", other than searching code. I always advise not to use something like ConfigurationManager directly, but to build facades over it with AppSettings.json this is much easier to do.
ServatorOP3y ago
ok thanks
Accord3y ago
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