C#3y ago

Blazor WASM Hosted uses wrong basepath on page reload

Hello! I have a web app that mostly works as it should, except on a Page Refresh or direct accessing of a specific page/directory. That is, when accessing this web app with domain.com, the page loads as it is supposed to and everything works. However, when loaded directly as domain.com/directory, Blazor cannot find css/app.css nor _framework/blazor.webassembly.js because it searches for them at ~/directory/css/app. This web app is hosted as a Docker image in Google Kubernetes Engine on Google Cloud Platform. Note that it works automatically when running locally with dotnet watch run, but it does not work when hosted on GCP. My web app is set up for prerendering, and the server contains a _Host.cshtml and _Layout.cshtml files rather than wwwroot/index.html on the client. I have <base href="/" /> in _Layout.cshtml, and have also added <StaticWebAssetBasePath>/</StaticWebAssetBasePath> to the Client csproj, but neither fixed the issue. Any idea why it loads the wrong base path when refreshed or directly accessed?
1 Reply
GodspeedOP3y ago
Picture 1 shows how it should be, and Picture 2 shows how it attempts to find files when the page is refreshed from domain.com/product Found the issue. This was caused by an old leftover code snippet, that I had missed.

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