C#2y ago

❔ VS 2022 debugger ArgumentNullException not showing ParamName in quick info tooltip

This is mostly a QoL problem. I'm not sure if it's a bug or a problem with my configuration. Visual Studio is not showing the actual problematic parameter in the quick info. Instead I get Arg_ParamName_Name
6 Replies
lukkasz3232y ago
After I check the exception details, the param name is there
lukkasz3232y ago
Is there anything I can do to show things like these in the quick info and not have to look into details?
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Current
Version 17.4.3
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Current
Version 17.4.3
ero2y ago
there's only one thing that can be null there Rectangle is a struct, can't be null. Color is an enum, can't be null so it's the Texture
lukkasz3232y ago
Would it be different in a different case where multiple nulls parameters would be possible?
ero2y ago
Accord2y ago
Looks like nothing has happened here. I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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