✅ Explicit call ToString() when interpolating on primitive (value) types
Is it necessary to call ToString() when interpolating string using primitive (int, float, etc.) or in general value types?
Would it avoid boxing allocation?
18 Replies
Well first off this doesn't compile. But also, why not just try it?
REPL Result: Success
Console Output
Compile: 606.991ms | Execution: 32.196ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
What do you want to explain to me? ;p
I know it would work, but the essence of the question is: should I call explicitlly ToString to avoid boxing allocation?
You asked 2 separate questions
Not my fault
Ok, I'm sorry. You're right that it could be understood this way 😅
Calling ToString on anything will allocate (a string), i dont think it would box?
Yeah, but here I'm using value types
is called implicitly when using string interpolation
It will allocate a string regardless (I think)Yes, but on what type is it called implicitly?
On int/MyStruct directly or is it boxing value type to
and then it will call ToString() (less efficient)?The IL contains no boxing, although you might have to dig into the source of
.Yeah, I also checked that it uses that handler, but I cannot find information how it behaves internally. :/
The source is here
It has some pretty extensive comments if you wanna read through it
It appears that when formatting objects, it tries to format it using
, otherwise it calls ToString()
on the type.
However it's using a type argument, which means that no boxing is taking place.@🌈 Thinker 🌈 @Retax
I was just reading links you pasted and articles about that. Do I understand correctly that since C#10 we got a concept of String Interpolation Handlers and it's optimized on that level so we don't have to explicitly call ToString() on value-types?
Unlike previous versions of C#, where string.Format was used when calling interpolation with int (without explicitly ToString() call).
Last sum up question:
Does it follow that up to C#10 version you should call ToString() yourself, but since this version they have improved it and DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler does it for us?
I think I'm going to disagree with that. Can you justify it?
As far as I can see in the latest version of C# we use a generic method that checks if the type implements the IFormatable interface.
However, the old C# uses the string.Format(string, object) method, so he is already doing the boxing allocation at the stage of calling this method. Calling ToString() by itself gets rid of this.

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