✅ Discord.NET InteractionModule issues
Okay so I followed this guy to setup a base skeleton for my Discord.NET bot, however I do not get my commands to actually reply or respond to my calls, but they do get registered to the guild. I added some Console.WriteLine methods in there to see until where it was being called.
It seems that the actual
methods are not being called, and the class InteractionModule gives me the This class is not being used
like message. Not a warning or error per-se, but I believe I'm missing something..
Link to tutorial for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvVWIPgfYdA&ab_channel=CrenstonCustoms-Coding (this is ep 3)
I'm not actually sure where to look for "missing" pieces, so here's a list of hastebins for my code:
the lastProgram.cs
I am getting in from my bot, when I use a slashCommand, is the line Handling interaction
from the InteractionHandler.cs
at line: 31
What am I missing?? (note: I don't believe any secrets are in the code, but if they are, after finishing the bot, these secrets will be re-generated)5 Replies
Unknown User•3y ago
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yea, the reason I extended this extension is because I needed the interaction Context, found that in the documents I think, lemme find the reference again..
Anyways, the reason I did
was because I needed to be able to call Context.Interaction.User
but I'll see if that is the issue. Lemme remove that part for a second
well I'll be fucked... apparently that is the issue...
Hrm, or not...
the Ping command worked, but not the Embed command.. (roll)
So I am getting pong!
when I call /ping
from my bot. But not the /roll
result..Unknown User•3y ago
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I managed to figure it out, but thanks for your help!