What is the best practice for versioning multiple API based components?

Our team is working on different API based components that are all packaged as separate client SDKs. They SDKs are referenced by a hub component that acts as a mediator for all communication between these components. Right now all changes are pushed to release branch at the same time and same versioning is maintained. So if component A and B has change but C didn't have we would still bump up all 3 components version to lets a 2.0 and we would also ensure that hub refers to 2.0 SDK version of all components. I am suggesting that we should have API versioning and the SDK package versioning shouldn't matter? i.e.., each component SDK package can be in its own version and we can set hub to always pick the latest version of the packages available. Any thoughts?
1 Reply
aswinfrancisOP3y ago
Any help?

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