C#2y ago

✅ how can i x amount of times ask the user to input a number and save it in a list

so i need to make inputted numbers in negative my problem is i read the how many numbers does he want to input but when i want to make the user input it one at a time it just " input number" num times. i want to make the each input negative and than add to list
7 Replies
Angius2y ago
Isn't it what you're doing already? Or do you want it to be
Input numbers
> 9
> 7
> 8
Input numbers
> 9
> 7
> 8
instead of
Input number
> 9
Input number
> 7
Input number
> 8
Input number
> 9
Input number
> 7
Input number
> 8
sh1zz0_2y ago
i was trying to make it like the second one
Angius2y ago
It should work exactly this way, then
sh1zz0_2y ago
sh1zz0_2y ago
it prints the text 3 times and just makes me input
Angius2y ago
Works perfectly fine for me
sh1zz0_2y ago
one sec wait ik i forgot the {{ {} i was stuck on it for 30 mins ty btw