C#3y ago

Automatic Formatting with MSVS

I've googled this but none of the solutions seem to work? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5755942/how-do-you-auto-format-code-in-visual-studio I'm just trying to format my code (spacing, etc) with the autoformatter without doing it manually.
Stack Overflow
How do you auto format code in Visual Studio?
I know Visual Studio can auto format to make my methods and loops indented properly, but I cannot find the setting.
5 Replies
Have you opened the solution?
surwrenOP3y ago
What do you mean?
Solutions may not be opened by default. If you do not have an open solution, you should open said solution. If you do not have a solution, I recommend creating a solution for your project.
surwrenOP3y ago
yes, a solution is open for the project
Can you send a screenshot?

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