C#2y ago

Microsoft's DI Hierarchically controlled lifetime manager? [Answered]

With Microsoft's DI, what's the equivalent of hierarchically controlled lifetime manager? The situation I want to address is the following: - I'm within a scope with some stuff resolved. (let's say it's type FirstResolved, and it has a property of type FirstResolvedChild) - I want to create a child scope that will use the current FirstResolvedChild if needed, but that would get disposed if when that child scope is disposed of.
3 Replies
Pobiega2y ago
MSDI is lightweight, not sure it can do this by default You might need a more featured du container S/du/di
Yawnder2y ago
That's what I'm afraid. I'm trying to test to see if I can get that behavior, or something that would mimic what I want.
Accord2y ago
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