❔ ✅ gettext amount always Underlined as red and not working in the code

gettext amount are always Underlined as red and not working in my ui Codecode
23 Replies
mtreit2y ago
You seem to have a lot of syntax errors in that code. Have you done a basic C# tutorial? You probably should. $helloworld is a good place to start.
New account KeefVFX#3214
no for now i am copying a video for now on how to do this but would love to learn
New account KeefVFX#3214
can u see the diffrence that i need to change/fix?
New account KeefVFX#3214
mines is the first 1
mtreit2y ago
Look closely
New account KeefVFX#3214
as u can see i have copied everything and he has 0 errors and i have 9 errors i have
mtreit2y ago
Start with this:
mtreit2y ago
Is that what yours has?
mtreit2y ago
New account KeefVFX#3214
what... im feel stupid rn?
mtreit2y ago
Aaron2y ago
you have a period instead of a space
mtreit2y ago
New account KeefVFX#3214
what about it s.dmbhfwhsuigdfg omg thanks im stupid but the pther ones are still underlined in red and the code still doesnt work :(
mtreit2y ago
Look closely at your code and read the error message
Aaron2y ago
they're banned mtreit selling cheats in their about me :p
mtreit2y ago
Accord2y ago
Looks like nothing has happened here. I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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