C#•2y ago

Fromfile is underlined not sure what I'm doing

For the second picture it states to "Make note of name of the folder where the images are saved and the file names of the images themselves" I tried changing Fromfile to Random Image and images both did not work.
29 Replies
Roji•2y ago
Roji•2y ago
did not work
Roji•2y ago
like that?
Roji•2y ago
pip•2y ago
skinbox3 probably has an image property that you have to reference instead
Roji•2y ago
that's the file that has image inside it each one has 3 image and they are named from 0, 1, 2, 3 (I'm not sure this helps)
Roji•2y ago
I don't understand what you mean
pip•2y ago
Roji•2y ago
it worked
Accord•2y ago
Ask the thread owner or member with permission to close this!
Roji•2y ago
I got one more problem, Once I picked any thing from the combo box it shows up as an error
Roji•2y ago
I think I kinda know is it like I have to put Holidays in one the line of code?
pip•2y ago
read carefully what the exception says it'll tell you what's wrong
Roji•2y ago
It's trying to get the image if thats what I think is going on
Roji•2y ago
ohhh it can't find it
pip•2y ago
now look where it's searching for your image. make sure you place your folder so it matches that path you could change the path too, but this is easier
Roji•2y ago
wait quick question I have the image stored in my usb right does it matter if I have it on my usb or not?
pip•2y ago
you'd either have to change the path to search your USB or change the files to be on in bin/Debug as the error says
Roji•2y ago
I'm following the steps on what the error is showing right but there's not image
pip•2y ago
you can figure this out 🙂
Roji•2y ago
I can't figure out how to change the path
pip•2y ago
i'm certain you can figure this out
Roji•2y ago
I'll try again okay so FromFile is like the file in my laptop right?
pip•2y ago
Roji•2y ago
so I just need to change FromFile then?
pip•2y ago
or you can move your image files to this folder
Roji•2y ago
that file called images was not there before I just added
Roji•2y ago
wait there's already an image I've put in before
Roji•2y ago
I feel like it's so simple I straight up gave up
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