C#2y ago

❔ xamarin xaml binding

Is there a way to bind value of 2 varriables at once to one Label? <Label Text="{Binding CheckIn, CheckOut, StringFormat='{0:MMM dd, yyyy} - {1:MMM dd, yyyy}'}"></Label> Tried something like this i was hoping that i can make it format the label this way "{CheckIn:MMM dd, yyyy} - {CheckOut:MMM dd, yyyy}"
4 Replies
realivanjxツ2y ago
just create another variable that combines those 2
Down2y ago
How do i make this?
canton72y ago
Xamarin.Forms Multi-Bindings - Xamarin
This article explains how to attach a collection of Binding objects to a single binding target property using the MultiBinding class.
Accord2y ago
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