Is it possible to create a program that just goes on a specific url,logs in and then activates smth?

I wanted to create smth quick to enable/disable the routers 5ghz option.. it runs on a local/private network but you have to log in (just password and theres no recaptcha or anything so i think a bot could do that easily..) and then just activate the option and press the safe button.. smbd would like to help me? :3
11 Replies
Buddy2y ago
We do not help with entire projects, but only answer questions and/or help with code (that isn't entire projects).
well is it possible?
Buddy2y ago
or do you think it aint work
Buddy2y ago
With programming, anything is possible.
okay.. all with c#, right?
Buddy2y ago
Wait, why would a router login have recaptcha?
cuz im not that far to work with "websites" usualy xD
Buddy2y ago
Oh, I read that wrong.
idk i just mean that it doesnt check if your a human so a login shouldnt be a problem ig dw :3
Buddy2y ago
I mean, there's Selenium that can do it. (Which is just a library that lets you automate browsers) Unless your router has an API for it.
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