how do i draw in
I'm reading through a programming book. Im on the 8th chapter where they ask me to draw a red circle in framework but dont acutlly tell me how to
11 Replies
You can't "draw in"
"" is not a thing, there's .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET, etc
And neither has anything to do with graphics
There are GUI frameworks there, sure
WPF, Winforms, UWP, WinUI, Avalonia, Uno, just to name a few
Most of them do support drawing stuff
Or you could generate an image with a drawing using something like SkiaSharp or ImageSharp
but the teacher wants us to use framework and draw
is that possible?
Maybe with
, dunno
You sure the teacher doesn't want you to use, say, Winforms for that?yeah he said so
cuz were gonna use buttons to control it

btw do you know which system im supposed to use to make this work?
Probably Winforms?
its not even working lmao this book is so ass
What year was it written?
this year
its a new book
I think you need to share more code
what have you tried
looking at the screenshot of the above code it looks like Winforms and it should be located in the OnPaint event if you are looking to retrieve the graphics object from the event args