EF Core 6 - Create table if not exists by means of Add-Migration

Hi, Let's say I've a database with tables A, B and C. When from packet manager console I issue
Add-Migration mig1
Add-Migration mig1
The database is correctly created. Howerver, if later on I add a table D to my DbContext, remove previously created migrations and I run
Add-Migration mig2
Add-Migration mig2
The second command fails with error message
relation "A" already exists
relation "A" already exists
Is there a way to only add not-existing tables (i.e. create if not exists) using migrations?
2 Replies
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Unknown User3y ago
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alkasel#159OP3y ago
Thanks, it worked! it was so simple and I wasted about a day after it... 🤦‍♂️

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