C#3y ago

Rider not working after running repair on VS 2022 [Answered]

I've had to run repair on my vs 2022 due to not having .resx templates (turns out they dont exist for shared project and had to drag it from my normal project) and after that my rider went bonkers. At first the solution-wide analysis wouldn't finish loading, after invalidating cache suggestions won't load and my ram usage goes to 10gb for 5 projects Visual studio seems to be working fine
4 Replies
IndeedOP3y ago
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-67671/Rider-using-csc-from-vs2022-after-preview-is-installed Found this
VS2022 just made some changes in their latest build which is breaking how Rider uses nuget.. packages are all out of whack.. projects have references which aren't in their csproj file and I can't delete them. Had to nuke all the caches, all the obj and bin folders, etc.. to get it back to working.
VS2022 just made some changes in their latest build which is breaking how Rider uses nuget.. packages are all out of whack.. projects have references which aren't in their csproj file and I can't delete them. Had to nuke all the caches, all the obj and bin folders, etc.. to get it back to working.
Ok, I searched the settings for msbuild and found the config setting you were referring to.. I've never had to override that in the VS world, so it wasn't even a thought to fix the problems now. Set it back to 16, and things are at least worked around for now.
Ok, I searched the settings for msbuild and found the config setting you were referring to.. I've never had to override that in the VS world, so it wasn't even a thought to fix the problems now. Set it back to 16, and things are at least worked around for now.
gonna try
IndeedOP3y ago
IndeedOP3y ago
rn stuck at synchronizing projects I found this repearing in my logs
09:46:32.904 |W| RiderPrimaryThreadWatchdog | MainGuardAvailabilityWatchdog:34 | Primary thread didn't respond for 198.480sec (CurrentTask: 'CppExternalModuleImpl.HandleFileSystemDelta') QueueSize=7
09:46:32.904 |W| RiderPrimaryThreadWatchdog | MainGuardAvailabilityWatchdog:34 | Primary thread didn't respond for 198.480sec (CurrentTask: 'CppExternalModuleImpl.HandleFileSystemDelta') QueueSize=7
Thank god the reinstall worked !close
Accord3y ago
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