C#2y ago

Store generic Func T inside a colletion [Answered]

I have a generic Func<T>, which i wan't to store in a Dictionary, but i don't know how to do that since apparently the restriction of T is not enough
72 Replies
Stay2y ago
I have this method which takes a Func<Context, Packet, Task<bool>>, and Packet must be an IPacket
protected void Register<Packet>(Func<Context, Packet, Task<bool>> task) where Packet : IPacket
_funcTasks.Add(typeof(Packet), task);
protected void Register<Packet>(Func<Context, Packet, Task<bool>> task) where Packet : IPacket
_funcTasks.Add(typeof(Packet), task);
I don't know how to store that in a dictionary
private Dictionary<Type, Func<Context, IPacket, Task<bool>>> _funcTasks = new ();
private Dictionary<Type, Func<Context, IPacket, Task<bool>>> _funcTasks = new ();
This is not valid, despite Packet being an IPacket
Akseli2y ago
_funcTasks.Add(typeof(Packet), Unsafe.As<Func<Context,IPacket,Task<bool>>>(task));
_funcTasks.Add(typeof(Packet), Unsafe.As<Func<Context,IPacket,Task<bool>>>(task));
333fred2y ago
You can't Not without doing horrible code like Akseli showed (seriously don't do that) This about it this way:
class P1 : IPacket {}
class P2 : IPacket {}

var dictionary = new Dictionary<Type, Func<Context, IPacket, Task<bool>>>();
var func = (P2 p2) => { ... /* Something that only P2 can do */ };
dictionary.Add(typeof(P2), func); // Assume this worked.
dictionary[typeof(P2)](null, new P1()); // Well, the dictionary has `Func<Context, IPacket, Task<bool>>`s, so this should be fine, right?
class P1 : IPacket {}
class P2 : IPacket {}

var dictionary = new Dictionary<Type, Func<Context, IPacket, Task<bool>>>();
var func = (P2 p2) => { ... /* Something that only P2 can do */ };
dictionary.Add(typeof(P2), func); // Assume this worked.
dictionary[typeof(P2)](null, new P1()); // Well, the dictionary has `Func<Context, IPacket, Task<bool>>`s, so this should be fine, right?
Stay2y ago
Oh yeah i get it. I guess that ill need to save the MethodInfo instead Thanks
Dusty2y ago
U could also store a delegate
Akseli2y ago
if its used correctly its completely safe and works, its the correct solution if you care about performance another solution is to just
_funcTasks.Add(typeof(Packet), (context, pkt, t) => task(context, pkt as Packet, t));
_funcTasks.Add(typeof(Packet), (context, pkt, t) => task(context, pkt as Packet, t));
canton72y ago
Use a proper cast, not as, if you don't expect the cast to fail
333fred2y ago
No it is not. The proper solution is to design a type safe architecture. And as canton said, as is a bad idea in that nested lambda example
Akseli2y ago
sometimes you need to sacrifice safety for performance, besides its completely safe to use in this case, it can never fail in the current context
333fred2y ago
That's a very bold assumption. Never assume that someone, particularly someone who is not super familiar with type safety, is going to use it completely correctly
Akseli2y ago
thats why i said in the current context
333fred2y ago
Recommending unsafe code to anyone not in #allow-unsafe-blocks or #advanced, especially without any explanation of why it could work, or how it should never be misused, or how you need to actually use reflection to get it back to the original function type, is a very bad idea
Akseli2y ago
agree with that, my bad.
333fred2y ago
Like, seriously, if someone isn't understanding these dangers, don't just post a code snippet on getting around the type checker
Akseli2y ago
well this is a safe solution, it cant cause any runtime errors, only a null exception from the other side if as is returns null also what do you mean you need to use reflection to get it back to original type? Using Unsafe.As thing you dont need to do that
333fred2y ago
If you ever need to extract that lambda again, then yes you need to use reflection to get a Type you can Unsafe.As on
Akseli2y ago
if they extract it from the dictionary they can use it as <Context,IPacket,Task> it will work
333fred2y ago
Caches often need to return things beyond immediate usage Without seeing the rest of Stay's code, we can't say for sure how the values in this dictionary are going to be used
Akseli2y ago
we can assume what he wanted from what he said
333fred2y ago
All that was said was storing in a dictionary Not how it would be retrieved
Akseli2y ago
thats out of context of the question he asked how to store it
333fred2y ago
It's important to the context of the question if you're making a recommendation that will significantly affect the storage of the thing Like, you're assuming that there's only reference types implementing IPacket
Akseli2y ago
that doesnt matter because when you retrieve the func with IPacket signature, the value type will be boxed to IPacket when calling the method will still work as its supposed
333fred2y ago
... No If the func takes a concrete value type, and you pass a boxed value type, it's not magically unboxed It's just broken
Akseli2y ago
yes... if you had a value type Packet pkt; that implements IPacket and you call a method with IPacket parameter it will be boxed
333fred2y ago
You're not calling a method with an IPacket parameter You Unsafe.As'd it to be such, but it doesn't actually have that parameter
Akseli2y ago
but you are retrieving it as IPacket parameter from the dictionary
333fred2y ago
That's the problem You end up passing a boxed Packet to something that takes an unboxed packet, and nothing is going to do that unbox It'll just fail
Akseli2y ago
then you would just have to have packet as a class
MODiX2y ago
Like, you're assuming that there's only reference types implementing IPacket
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Akseli2y ago
sure its an assumption, could ask the OP for more details
333fred2y ago
All of these caveats are why you should be careful when making recommendations of unsafe code Especially in a channel where the nuances and implications of it are probably not well understood
canton72y ago
Especially given that the alternatives to using Unsafe here are pretty painless and cheap
Akseli2y ago
using Reflection is not cheap..
canton72y ago
You don't need to use reflection here
Akseli2y ago
- MethodInfo is reflection
canton72y ago
Who said to use MethodInfo?
Akseli2y ago
well, thats what the OP took
canton72y ago
Sure, but there are solutions which don't require reflection or Unsafe here
Akseli2y ago
like this
canton72y ago
Yep (although don't use as). Or ones which cast the whole delegate to Delegate/object and back. Those are the sorts of solutions to push IMO
333fred2y ago
Yes, though as does not work there Literally won't compile
Akseli2y ago
it works
333fred2y ago
No it doesn't
Akseli2y ago
atleast it should, ive used this technique before maybe you need to add a type
333fred2y ago
Packet is not known to be a reference or value type Can't use as on it
canton72y ago
as is the wrong thing to use there anyway. If you mess up and the cast fails, you get null passed to the delegate, which is probably going to cause an NRE somewhere down the line, and you'll have fine tracing it back to the bad cast. If you use a proper cast, you get a nice InvalidCastException at that point, telling you what you did wrong
Akseli2y ago
right, yeah you need to use a cast, i didnt check if it compiles or not just threw it from memory on my phone
Stay2y ago
I'm back. Yeah, i understand why what i was trying to do yesterday at 3 am doesn't work now Anyways, here is a bit of context of what i'm trying to do in case that there is a solution better of what i currently have I'm trying to add a easier and faster way of handling packets in my application, i thought of doing something like this
public MyPacketHandler : BasePacketHandler<Context>
public MyPacketHandler()

private async Task<bool> HeartbeatC2SP_Handle(Context context, IHeartbeatC2SP)
// ...
public MyPacketHandler : BasePacketHandler<Context>
public MyPacketHandler()

private async Task<bool> HeartbeatC2SP_Handle(Context context, IHeartbeatC2SP)
// ...
I know that i could do this
protected void Register<Packet>(Func<Context, IPacket, Task<bool>> task) where Packet : IPacket
_funcTasks.Add(typeof(Packet), task);
protected void Register<Packet>(Func<Context, IPacket, Task<bool>> task) where Packet : IPacket
_funcTasks.Add(typeof(Packet), task);
But that would require of casting on the handle method
var handshake = (IHandshakeC2SP) packet;
var handshake = (IHandshakeC2SP) packet;
Which is not the end of the world, but it's what i'm trying to prevent
canton72y ago
Yeah looks familiar. I'd probably wrap the delegate in another one which does the cast for you, like this https://discord.com/channels/143867839282020352/1010669940887539722/1010860845410029599 but with a proper cast rather than as
MODiX2y ago
another solution is to just
_funcTasks.Add(typeof(Packet), (context, pkt, t) => task(context, pkt as Packet, t));
_funcTasks.Add(typeof(Packet), (context, pkt, t) => task(context, pkt as Packet, t));
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canton72y ago
If it's networking, you're not going to care about the extra delegate invocation
Stay2y ago
Yeah, that's probably also faster than MethodInfo, right?
canton72y ago
Probably not too far off - the cost there is getting the MethodInfo, but you're caching it. But yeah slightly cheaper, and certainly more readable and safer
Stay2y ago
But MethodInfo requires an object[], which would box the struct behind IPacket (as far as i know)
canton72y ago
Yep, but that's being boxed anyway. Interfaces are reference types So assigning the struct to IPacket boxes it
Stay2y ago
Oh i didn't know that Thanks, i'll use this solution then How do i mark this thing as solved? First time using discord threads
canton72y ago
$close Not that, heh
Accord2y ago
Ask the thread owner or member with permission to close this!
canton72y ago
Ah, with /close
Stay2y ago
Accord2y ago
✅ This post has been marked as answered!
Sergio2y ago
This is absolutely not correct. It is not, by any means "completely safe". It may work today in some cases, but it's undefined behavior and it might (and will) break down in several scenarios. Yes, even if you're using "the right types". It's not something that you should be using even if you think you know how it works, it's just not correct code. Nobody should use that, period
Akseli2y ago
we already had this conversation and went over the cases where it wont work
Sergio2y ago
Right. So you're aware that code is not valid. Then don't recommend it to people online asking for help Actually wait, no, I think we're not talking about the same thing here
Akseli2y ago
its not valid in all cases, no
Sergio2y ago
No. In no case There is no case where that code is safe I know you think you know. You don't
Akseli2y ago
add a class constraint to Packet and its safe if you dont do changes
Sergio2y ago
it is not I literally had this conversation with the actual principal architect of the .NET runtime (Jan). This is not safe, ever. Period
Akseli2y ago
okay, i believe you, can you tell me why its not safe? so i can learn
Sergio2y ago
"I think the highest risk of incompatibilities come from codegen optimizations. Some of the advanced codegen optimizations assume type safety. Your code may break in odd ways with type safety violations."
"Yes. For example: The delegate can be bound virtually. In future, we may do delegate inlining and speculative devirtualization for this case. Is it going to work properly when some of the signatures involved violate type safety? I would not bet on it."
TLDR: the runtime and compiler assume type safety is never broken. Even if you're using "types correctly" here, things can still break down at any time because this is fundamentally undefined behavior, and other components might be doing things with some assumptions which you're breaking there Just don't do this 🙂
Akseli2y ago
hmm makes sense i could argue against it but id rather take the L to learn L for Learn