C#โ€ข2y ago

JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync() randomly hangs indefinitely [Answered]

private static async Task<T> TryReadDataFromFile<T>(string basePath) where T : class
var filepath = GetFilePath<T>(basePath);
if (!File.Exists(filepath)) return null;
await using var filestream = File.Open(filepath, FileMode.Open);
var res = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<T>(filestream); // This line
await filestream.DisposeAsync();
return res;
private static async Task<T> TryReadDataFromFile<T>(string basePath) where T : class
var filepath = GetFilePath<T>(basePath);
if (!File.Exists(filepath)) return null;
await using var filestream = File.Open(filepath, FileMode.Open);
var res = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<T>(filestream); // This line
await filestream.DisposeAsync();
return res;
System.Text.Json's DeserializeAsync seems to (entirely at random) decide to hang indefinitely, throws no exceptions or anything in the process which is odd, it's always the same file in AppData that causes it to hang.
45 Replies
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
I know that it's not necessary to dispose of the filestream explicitly but I was trying anything to make sure it wasn't locking the file for whatever reason
Upโ€ข2y ago
unrelated, but you do not need to manually call filestream.DisposeAsync(). that is what that await using automatically does for you
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
^^ ๐Ÿ˜‰
Upโ€ข2y ago
yeah I had already typed it out ;p
Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
what happens when you read the file in, and then deserialize it
Upโ€ข2y ago
also what explicit type are you passing it
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
would have to move to synchronous, if that's the move then I'll just make the whole thing synchronous and wrap it in a Task.Run I guess, as for the object it's just a POCO
public class GlobalConfig : ConfigBase
public double Width { get; set; }
public double Height { get; set; }
public double Left { get; set; }
public double Top { get; set; }
public WindowState State { get; set; }
public bool LightTheme { get; set; }
public bool Use24HourClock { get; set; }

public GlobalConfig()
Width = 1100;
Height = 800;
Left = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth / 2 - Width / 2;
Top = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight / 2 - Height / 2;
State = WindowState.Normal;
LightTheme = false;
Use24HourClock = true;
public class GlobalConfig : ConfigBase
public double Width { get; set; }
public double Height { get; set; }
public double Left { get; set; }
public double Top { get; set; }
public WindowState State { get; set; }
public bool LightTheme { get; set; }
public bool Use24HourClock { get; set; }

public GlobalConfig()
Width = 1100;
Height = 800;
Left = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth / 2 - Width / 2;
Top = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight / 2 - Height / 2;
State = WindowState.Normal;
LightTheme = false;
Use24HourClock = true;
nothing too wild
Upโ€ข2y ago
would have to move to synchronous
no, what for
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
the async method doesn't have an overload for strings, only for streams
Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
that's true, didn't think of that
Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
if it locks up when you read it into a MemoryStream, it might be a file problem
Upโ€ข2y ago
also please replace that enum with a string. makes it a lot more user-friendly than magic numbers in the config
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
await using var fs = File.Open(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
await fs.CopyToAsync(ms);
await using var fs = File.Open(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
await fs.CopyToAsync(ms);
yeah CopyToAsync into a memorystream also causes a lockup I switched file access just to be sure it wasn't trying to write for whatever reason as well, also a meaningless change but yeah for some reason I'm having (seemingly entirely at random) a file issue
Upโ€ข2y ago
what if you use File.OpenRead() instead of Open()? as in await using var stream = File.OpenRead(path);
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
private static async Task WriteDataToFile<T>(string basePath, T data, bool writeIndented = false) where T : class
var filepath = GetFilePath<T>(basePath);
await using var filestream = File.Create(filepath);
var res = JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(filestream, data, writeIndented ? IndentedJsonOptions : DefaultJsonOptions);
await filestream.DisposeAsync();
await res;
private static async Task WriteDataToFile<T>(string basePath, T data, bool writeIndented = false) where T : class
var filepath = GetFilePath<T>(basePath);
await using var filestream = File.Create(filepath);
var res = JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(filestream, data, writeIndented ? IndentedJsonOptions : DefaultJsonOptions);
await filestream.DisposeAsync();
await res;
interesting, I'm also experiencing a lockup on filestream.DisposeAsync() here
Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
async deadlock? what kind of app is this
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
add ConfigureAwait(false) after all your calls
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
uh this seems to have moved the deadlock somewhere else entirely, interesting do I have to ConfigureAwait(false) everything?
Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
pretty much, yes
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Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
ConfigureAwait(TRUE) is the default, which will try to run the continuation on the original thread
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
I'm only using a single GetAwaiter().GetResult() call so I just need to make sure that the entire chain that comes from that has ConfigureAwait(false) then?
D.Mentiaโ€ข2y ago
I have never had to use ConfigureAwait, I find it a bit sus. It'd just be moving the deadlock to another thread
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
everything else is awaited it's really annoying that there's no way to really debug deadlocks, finding them when large parts of my codebase is async is a nightmare
D.Mentiaโ€ข2y ago
oh, well, I've never used GetAwaiter .GetResult either... why do you need that? And also, not an answer to your question at all but... what's wrong with just File.ReadAllTextAsync ๐Ÿ˜›
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Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
registering the factory in the container for my global config which everything relies on has to be synchronous so I'm stuck with it unfortunately, I could maybe rethink my architecture and make that async but it'd be a big headache
Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
okay, so the real reason why you're deadlocking is because the async library functions you're calling into are also using ConfigureAwait(false) which means the continuations can run on different threads. When you do GetResult() directly, you could potentially be doing that on the non-UI thread, which results in your deadlock the solution is... (drum roll please)
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
as for this, System.Text.Json's async methods are for streams only, no strings
Upโ€ข2y ago
also the fact that you now have to read the entire file at once, rather than letting the serializer read it as-needed
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Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
AspNetCoreDiagnosticScenarios/AsyncGuidance.md at master ยท davidfow...
This repository has examples of broken patterns in ASP.NET Core applications - AspNetCoreDiagnosticScenarios/AsyncGuidance.md at master ยท davidfowl/AspNetCoreDiagnosticScenarios
Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
read that part about deadlocks
D.Mentiaโ€ข2y ago
lol, that's always the answer. Can we just remove Task.Result in the next version ๐Ÿ˜‰
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
yeah I think I'll rethink my architecture a bit and allow for the global config to be loaded later on, that way I can use async properly and avoid constructors
Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
either that^, or cheat and throw it into a Task.Run()
D.Mentiaโ€ข2y ago
It's ugly but I would sort of recommend just, an async Initialize function where you need it
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
yeah that's (more or less) what I'm doing for a lot of other stuff already but the global config is a bit sketchier, a fair bit of code is reliant on it being initialised when it's constructed, but I can just rework everything so it's more tolerant handy to know that GetAwaiter().GetResult() can cause deadlocks though, was never really that aware of the inner workings, cheers all
Trinitekโ€ข2y ago
async is nasty business
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D.Mentiaโ€ข2y ago
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8145479/can-constructors-be-async the top answer here looks like a pretty neat solution, though IDK if it can be registered with DI like that
Doomboxโ€ข2y ago
yeah the IoC container isn't hugely fond of basically any of the TPL, I'll just have to write it so the ViewModels can live without the config until I'm in an async context
Accordโ€ข2y ago
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