Get multiple objects in JObject path
I have this kind of XML JOBject
I would like to retrieve a list of external Codes.
I tried with
or with jobj.SelectTokens("cust_toLegalEntity.FOEntity.externalCode)
m which works only if there is only 1 FOEntity in the list. If there are more than 1, it returns null.
Any idea how should I specify the path?7 Replies
what do u mean XML JObject ? Isn't it a json ?
Yeah sorry for my bad working.. its a GET request which returns XML response, which is parsed to json.
are u using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq?
I suggest you parse cust_toLegalEntity to jArray
then you can loop it
This might work yes, ty
the json youve send was a bit malformed but a JToken is an ienumerable and you can simply .ToList() it