C#2y ago

Correct POST and PATCH

POST 1️⃣ For example, I have an Entity Book{name, [5 fields related solely to book], authorEntityId} Should I post only this Book related information and add my authorId later, or include it into the initial request? Or should I allow making partial POSTs (is this a thing?), so you can populate it fully, or partially, but I feel it is not OK /// PATCH 2️⃣ I've noticed some "command+data patch json notation" People send something like:
do/change/modify: "name",
data: "CLR via C#"
do/change/modify: "name",
data: "CLR via C#"
Do you like it? What are the drawbacks? Should I match the name and send specific command based on the match? ("name" => _mediatr.Send(new ChangeNameCommand(request.data) is the way?) /// 3️⃣ Also, what I noticed, is that it also may be done for entire specific verb system, like
do: "delete-author-entirely",
data : "Buddy Eric"
do: "delete-author-entirely",
data : "Buddy Eric"
this will remove author from the system entirely, and lets say, we want to expose this functionality to our frontend client-moderators Is this a correct way to do this? Is it RESTful for you?
1 Reply
Mayor McCheese
See https://jsonpatch.com/ for the standard. It’s very useful in some scenarios where you need high audibility, field level permissions, etc.
JSON Patch
Website for jsonpatch.com, with general info about JSONPatch