My code isn't running as anticipated
im trying to create a tick tac toe game by following a toturial but i somehow messed it up and its not working properly
9 Replies
how is it not working properly?
this is his code
but when i copy it i get an error
what error do you get?
its not really an error but the code isnt wokring properly
its supposed to display x and o on difffrent boxes
but no matter wat box i click on it always displays the changes on one box
you're always using gameBoard[0] or gameBoard[1]
oh wait
i see
could you possibly send the entire file?
im using a diffrent gameboard for each button
im not able to send the file
can i take screenshots of it instead?
Hi, you use in each method button1.Text =
You musst change this assignment in each click event to the right button