C#2y ago

Need help comprehending EPSON printer commands

Currently sending commands from app to thermal printer via bluetooth, i followed the printer's api to the best of my understanding and still don't understand why it's not printing the expected output... Refer to images for more details... Image 1) Printer output, blue shaded areas correspond to expected horizontal tab settings. Image 2) C# code Image 3 & 4) Tab-setting documentation
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2 Replies
Renn2y ago
It sounds like you need to combine all tab positions in one command. And the positions appear to be absolute column values. So try writer.WriteAsync((byte)6); writer.WriteAsync((byte)9); assuming that you want tab stops at columns 6 and 9. And I assume you have to cast to byte because the docs say that tab stops are 0-255, which is the range of a single byte.
square.2y ago
alright, that solved it. thank you so much... i tried combining it earlier but it wasnt working turns out i had to cast it into byte first