Created by square. on 6/19/2023 in #help
IIS Worker (30%) and SQL Server (60%) High CPU usage.
Currently hosting a website on iis (.net core 3.1). I have no clue as to why usage for both the iis worker and sql server is so high. I have a firewall setup and both network traffic from firewall and iis logs do not suggest ddos, as there seems to only be at least 8-10 simultaneous connections from both the same and distinct ip under 2-3 secs with 15mbps bandwidth but the size of the page is miniscule, under 10 kb so it shouldn't matter (i think?). EFCore is mainly being utilized for most app-db interactions and also a bit of ado.net for a few legacy stuff and i made sure the the connections are being disposed of properly with ado.net connection utilizing using statements and im pretty sure efcore manages the connection on its own. I also make sure to apply all queryables to my efcore get queries before enumerating them so im not retrieving the entire table, and the queries aren't that complex either with just simple date comparisons and pk look ups. Though, I indexed the concerned columns manually via sql server instead of efcore migrations but i think that shouldn't have much of a difference with regards to performance. I also tried the scripts found in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/sql/database-engine/performance/troubleshoot-high-cpu-usage-issues but results indicate that my queries only take 3% of cpu usage, so something else is causing it. I've checked and no other jobs are running, there is one other database that has replication setup but it's setup in a "replicate on command" way (i forgot the proper term) so it shouldn't affect at all. CPU is an i7-7800 3.2 ghz and ram is 40gb.
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