Chocolatey has Generic MSI Error

I'm trying to use chocolatey to install the vcbuildtools package, and it spits out first the following warning:
WARNING: Generic MSI Error. This is a local environment error, not an issue with a package or the MSI itself - it could mean a pending reboot is necessary prior to install or something else (like the same version is already installed). Please see MSI log if available. If not, try again adding '--install-arguments="'/l*v c:\vcbuildtools_msi_install.log'"'. Then search the MSI Log for "Return Value 3" and look above that for the error.
Then the error:
ERROR: Running ["C:\Users\kellyb\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\vcbuildtools\2015.4\visualcppbuildtools_full.exe" /S /l*v c:\vcbuildtools_msi_install.log] was not successful. Exit code was '1603'. Exit code indicates the following: Generic MSI Error. This is a local environment error, not an issue with a package or the MSI itself - it could mean a pending reboot is necessary prior to install or something else (like the same version is already installed). Please see MSI log if available.
Yet there is no c:\vcbuildtools_msi_install.log file. The chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log file contains no more information than is given in the above messages, and I don't know where to look for an MSI log. What more can I do to try and diagnose this error?
2 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User3y ago
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Brady Kelly
Brady KellyOP3y ago
I haven't yet, I'm been hesitant because I have so many tabs and windows open trying to solve this, I didn't want to " lose my place" lol. I suppose I should try it now though, I've tried everything else

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