Azure Functions output binding to HTTP request (trigger) and storage queue? [Answered]
Here is what I'm looking at. But I already am returning data for the HTTP response. Can I return data for each binding separately? Do I need to use 2 entirely separate functions and call the queue function that returns inside the HTTP function? Or what?
Azure Queue storage output binding for Azure Functions
Learn to create Azure Queue storage messages in Azure Functions.
4 Replies
Here's the existing HTTP trigger and output:
I wish that I could use the azure portal to look at integrations and add this, but it seems that this is one of the scenarios where they don't allow that. :/
Now this looks promising!
.NET Worker bindings · Azure/azure-functions-dotnet-worker Wiki
Azure Functions out-of-process .NET language worker - .NET Worker bindings · Azure/azure-functions-dotnet-worker Wiki
Solved! This example was magic:
Azure Functions out-of-process .NET language worker - azure-functions-dotnet-worker/HttpTriggerWithMultipleOutputBindings.cs at main · Azure/azure-functions-dotnet-worker
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