C#3y ago

USB and Csharp

Hi Im new here and was wondering if there is anyone out there who can help me. I have about 2 years experience in C# but am looking to work with devices through standard USB communication. I have looked through the libusbdotnet library and tried looking through its documentation to understand it more but find the documentation to be not much help as there are almost no explanations for why or how things are set up. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how to approach USB communication whether it be in C# or another language I would really appreciate it!
13 Replies
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DingusOP3y ago
Okay thanks for the advice! @TaF I am currently looking to send hex files to a usb controller device but I have found through research that replacing the devices current driver with the generic windows usb driver (WinUSB) might be a good way to start communication with it. I will start with the documentation in C that you’ve provided and see where I can get! Also if that’s not enough information or you’re looking for something specific please tell me and I will try to provide what I can!
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Unknown User3y ago
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SuperBrain3y ago
send hex files to a usb controller device
Why can't you use their driver? Or more specifically, does the device manufacturer provide any documentation which explains how to communicate with it?
DingusOP3y ago
Well with usb communication I’m not too familiar but through consulting with someone who programs for these devices for some reason their default driver doesn’t allow communication unless it’s through proprietary software (which is useless and broken). I work at a company that fixes up industrial hand scanners and am looking for a quicker and easier way to send files to the devices IPL (kinda think of it as a bios). Me and the guy I work under have discovered that replacing the OEM driver with the generic winusb driver allows communication in IPL mode from some other programs but we’re looking to make our own as we literally redo hundreds of these devices a week and trying to train new people on how our files work is a nightmare. I’m looking to make life simpler and easier for me and the company by making software that’s easier to understand and easier to pickup.
DingusOP3y ago
Here’s examples of what I work on
Jester3y ago
Does the SerialPort class not work? too limited maybe?
DingusOP3y ago
Unfortunately. We actually have another programmer (who codes in C#) who wrote a few programs for some simpler devices that work on serial but with my devices it just doesn’t work or at least we’ve never been able to get it to work
i love cat(mull-rom splines)
are you looking to write a driver or to consume the driver? if it's the former you should look into writing a umdf driver
i love cat(mull-rom splines)
Working with USB devices in .NET and C# - .NET tutorial - developer...
At first sight, USB device control can seem like a dark art only practised by initiated gurus, but in this article, Ashley Deakin hopes to show you the light.
i love cat(mull-rom splines)
or libusbdotnet yeah
DingusOP3y ago
Well preferably looking just to change to the generic winusb driver because it’s something I already know how to do. I really appreciate these resources and will look over them for the next couple of days to see where I can get!

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