Download from URI in model error

Other problem was solved, now I've this one xD. Trying to do the following:
public static async Task DownloadFunction(List<Card> cards)
foreach (var card in cards)
byte[] fileBytes = await client.GetByteArrayAsync(card.ImageUris.Small);
File.WriteAllBytes($@"C:\Users\samue\Desktop\MTGImages\{}", fileBytes);
public static async Task DownloadFunction(List<Card> cards)
foreach (var card in cards)
byte[] fileBytes = await client.GetByteArrayAsync(card.ImageUris.Small);
File.WriteAllBytes($@"C:\Users\samue\Desktop\MTGImages\{}", fileBytes);
and getting errors
Error CS0120 An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'Card.ImageUris.Small'
Error CS0120 An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'Card.ImageUris.Small'
Error CS0572 'ImageUris': cannot reference a type through an expression; try 'Card.ImageUris' instead
Error CS0572 'ImageUris': cannot reference a type through an expression; try 'Card.ImageUris' instead
102 Replies
Henkypenky2y ago
can you explain a little bit more what you want to do?
I want to download from the url in card.ImageUri.Small
Henkypenky2y ago
and where is that defined? what type is it?
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Unknown User2y ago
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Okie doke I will try that instead. I was just going with things I found on the internet lol
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why can't I access the values in the properties?
Henkypenky2y ago
card.ImageUris.Small what's the type of this? where is it defined, where does it come from?
I just edited and it added errors
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Unknown User2y ago
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It's a string property in a model for Json. It's just a URL for the image
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Unknown User2y ago
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I thought card was the instance and imageuri was inside it
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Unknown User2y ago
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I get what it means lol I just don't understand how it happened
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Henkypenky2y ago
try new Uri() and pass that
I would rather understand my misunderstanding with the Card class first
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Henkypenky2y ago
It's long do you just want the relevant chunk? It's all at the top anyways
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MODiX2y ago
If your code is too long, you can post to and copy the link into chat for others to see your shared code!
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

namespace MTGCardDownloader
public class Card
public class ImageUris
public string Small { get; set; }
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

namespace MTGCardDownloader
public class Card
public class ImageUris
public string Small { get; set; }
Henkypenky2y ago
oh for sure I just figure it's right at the top so ya know haha
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Henkypenky2y ago
a class inside a class
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Unknown User2y ago
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i thought it worked like a directory kek
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Unknown User2y ago
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part of the deserialize magic was my assumption, yes lol
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Henkypenky2y ago
there's no way json2csharp gave you that
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I'm just using what Json2CSharp gave me
Henkypenky2y ago
can u share the json
MODiX2y ago
To post C# code type the following: ```cs // code here ``` Get an example by typing $codegif in chat If your code is too long, post it to:
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Okie doke my next question is if Deserialize doesn't create an instance of ImageUris how does it populate the properties?
Henkypenky2y ago
wait a moment first things first
ya np
Henkypenky2y ago
go put that json in json2chsarp again
Henkypenky2y ago
you should get something like this
// Root myDeserializedClass = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Root>>(myJsonResponse);
public class ImageUris


public class Legalities


public class Prices


public class RelatedUris


public class Root

// Root myDeserializedClass = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Root>>(myJsonResponse);
public class ImageUris


public class Legalities


public class Prices


public class RelatedUris


public class Root

Yeah taht's what I got $code
MODiX2y ago
To post C# code type the following: ```cs // code here ``` Get an example by typing $codegif in chat If your code is too long, post it to:
Henkypenky2y ago
okay then why did you put a class inside a class?
OH YOU'RE RIGHT I DID DO THAT fudge i couldn't get it to work otherwise i forget what error it gave, I can show you if you'd like
Henkypenky2y ago
Root already knows there is a property of type ImageUris
public ImageUris ImageUris { get; set; }
public ImageUris ImageUris { get; set; }
so it will go the Imageuris class to get the other properties per object since you are deserializing to a list every object (root) has one property named ImageUris which is this:
public class ImageUris
public string Small { get; set; }

public string Normal { get; set; }

public string Large { get; set; }

public string Png { get; set; }

public string ArtCrop { get; set; }

public string BorderCrop { get; set; }
public class ImageUris
public string Small { get; set; }

public string Normal { get; set; }

public string Large { get; set; }

public string Png { get; set; }

public string ArtCrop { get; set; }

public string BorderCrop { get; set; }
alright, I understand what you're telling me here
Henkypenky2y ago
the idea is that classes are singular
yeah I get this now lol let me take that out and show you original error then
Henkypenky2y ago
so you can rename Root to let's say Card then put that class in one file RelatedUris in another and so on all inside a folder and they will all be related to each other when you deserialize or serialize you go for the top one which is Card which will start travelling down
right right thank you so much for that let me see if it even still give the error
Henkypenky2y ago
if it finds a ImageUris type it will go to that class and serialize/deserialize it
Huh the error is no longer there I understand now though the way it's not nested but relational, and you start with the primary class in the relation thank you very much I'm going to look back up at what ToBeClone said before the reason I made the download choice I did was googling "download file with httpclient" lol
Henkypenky2y ago
yeah that's like another problem unrelated to this one
just to make it visible here Well you solved the riddle of my model problem lol so it's no longer a problem xD it now deserializes fine
Henkypenky2y ago
actually we all helped, hate taking the credit xd
and the download code does not give error anymore either, lets see if it works! well i fixed the naming folder empty xD I've never tried this before so ya know maybe it's the problem File.WriteAllBytes($@"C:\Users\samue\Desktop\MTGImages\{card.Name}", fileBytes); interpolate literal string?
Henkypenky2y ago
i would go with the suggestion TeBeClone said just get the stream open a file stream and copy the stream there basically you get the stream, you enable I/O operations and then copy it
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Unknown User2y ago
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Was my next step tobe tyvm
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Unknown User2y ago
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alright folks, i'll let you know if it works in 9 hours when I'm free again
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Unknown User2y ago
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and @Henkypenky tyvm for explaining the json bit, I had no idea what Iwas doing and now I have a small idea.
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Unknown User2y ago
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yeah ngl the naming of things confuses me a bunch lol
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Unknown User2y ago
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i never know which side of what it's referring to
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Unknown User2y ago
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like create
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Unknown User2y ago
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is it creating the thing that holds the stream, is it creating the file from the stream, is it creating the stream itself in its container, etc
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Unknown User2y ago
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for sure I'm sure if I read it it'd be clearer, I'm just saying on its face it's a bit confusing lots of learning programming has come across that way to me lol
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Unknown User2y ago
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Oh for sure man. I hope you get I'm speaking generally without specific reference to any instruction
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Unknown User2y ago
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okay wait so use using?
Henkypenky2y ago
might be better to open the filestream once since there will be multiple creations instead of 1 per creation
yeah I was gonna ask that too
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Henkypenky2y ago
multiple images it's a list
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Unknown User2y ago
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nope lol $@"C:\Users\samue\Desktop\MTGImages\{card.Name}.jpg" idk if that works either lol i was gonna google it eventually
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🤣 Alright I have irl obligations to fulfill. I greatly appreciate the help as always and hope to talk with you again later tonight.
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homie I appreciate it lol. Drop whatever you think I should look at in here, I promise I will. ya that makes sense
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later buddy I'll close in 9 hours when I get to try it again