❔ which is the key for write a good code? my 1st exercise of advent of calendar
Problem: https://adventofcode.com/2015/day/1
My code:
Do you think I wrote a good code?
I could reduce code row number by deleting some var declarations like floorUp and floorDown but maybe it's not the right way.
7 Replies
maybe I could remove { } from the if statement since there's only 1 instruction in the middle
could it be a good idea?

oh, thanks
just one thing, it seems Console.ReadLine(); is lenght limited, is there a way to make it accept more characters?
this is the string, it's not entirely pasted on the console, it seems it stops at 4094 lenght
Should be
not gift_delivery
, it's C# not Python
For the console not taking longer inputs, you can change that apparently: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/29029Was this issue resolved? If so, run
- otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.