❔ Update-database error
string connectionString;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConnectionConfig.ConnectionString))
ConnectionConfig.ConnectionString = "Server=DAD\SQLEXPRESS;database=BA_ETicaretCore8523;Trusted_Connection=True;multipleactiveresultsets=true;"; } connectionString = ConnectionConfig.ConnectionString;
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(connectionString); } Hello, when I download a project related to .net core and edit the connectionstring and update the data-database, Login failed for user 'sa'. I'm getting an error can anyone help?
ConnectionConfig.ConnectionString = "Server=DAD\SQLEXPRESS;database=BA_ETicaretCore8523;Trusted_Connection=True;multipleactiveresultsets=true;"; } connectionString = ConnectionConfig.ConnectionString;
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(connectionString); } Hello, when I download a project related to .net core and edit the connectionstring and update the data-database, Login failed for user 'sa'. I'm getting an error can anyone help?
13 Replies
Unknown User•3y ago
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@Divi Thank you for your anwer. You are right. I put \ \ before SQLEXPRESS; and I applied your method but I have same problem.
if the login failed then your username or password is incorrect
I dont use username or password like this "Server=DAD\ \SQLEXPRESS;database=BA_ETicaretCore8523;Trusted_Connection=True;multipleactiveresultsets=true;";
I can run other similar project in the same way thank you @patrickk for your answer
Login failed for user 'sa'. I'm getting an error can anyone help?this implies you're logging in with sa
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that's entirely irrelevant
it's not the project, it's the machine
you need to understand what's going on.
are you sure?
you are wrong
given your error above, i am not 🙂
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