C#2y ago

❔ rename tuple

public async Task<(List<SalesReportEntity>, int totalSales)> GetAllSalesReportAsync(int companyId, int? SalesPage, int? Limitpage, DateTime? StartDate, DateTime? EndDate)
return (sales, sales.Count());
obs: I cut off some lines
public async Task<(List<SalesReportEntity>, int totalSales)> GetAllSalesReportAsync(int companyId, int? SalesPage, int? Limitpage, DateTime? StartDate, DateTime? EndDate)
return (sales, sales.Count());
obs: I cut off some lines
is returning item1: [{…}] item2: 1 How can I rename it to sales and totalSales
16 Replies
Angius2y ago
I'd probably just use a record here instead of a tuple But return (sales: sales, totalSales: sales.Count()) should work With the return type being Task<(List<SalesReportEntity> sales, int totalSales)>
sibber2y ago
this not necessary actually, if you specify the names in the return type
Vinicius2y ago
public async Task<(List<SalesReportEntity>allSales, int totalSales)> GetAllSalesReportAsync(){
return (allSales: sales, totalSales: sales.Count());
public async Task<(List<SalesReportEntity>allSales, int totalSales)> GetAllSalesReportAsync(){
return (allSales: sales, totalSales: sales.Count());
wont change :-:
Vinicius2y ago
MODiX2y ago
REPL Result: Success
System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize((allSales: 1, totalSales: 2), new JsonSerializerOptions { IncludeFields = true })
System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize((allSales: 1, totalSales: 2), new JsonSerializerOptions { IncludeFields = true })
Result: string
Compile: 444.748ms | Execution: 52.984ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
sibber2y ago
Angius2y ago
I guess STJ doesn't serialize named tuples Thankfully, solution is simple: just use a record
Vinicius2y ago
you right
Vinicius2y ago
Vinicius2y ago
return new SalesResume(sales, sales.Count());
Vinicius2y ago
idk if I did best way
Angius2y ago
I'd just keep the record next to the method tbh, no need to make a whole separate file for it But, sure, it works either way
Vinicius2y ago
Interface need to be typed as well
namespace Epilefinho.Domain.Repositories
public interface ISaleRepository

Task<SalesResume> GetAllSalesReportAsync(int idCompany, int? NumberPage, int? Limitpage, DateTime? StartDate, DateTime? EndDate);

namespace Epilefinho.Domain.Repositories
public interface ISaleRepository

Task<SalesResume> GetAllSalesReportAsync(int idCompany, int? NumberPage, int? Limitpage, DateTime? StartDate, DateTime? EndDate);

I'd prefer but I couldnt
Angius2y ago
Yeah, understandable
Vinicius2y ago
Accord2y ago
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