C#2y ago

❔ Blazor Hosted - Client datatable with large dataset

I have a table component (using MudBlazor) which accesses the server-side API endpoint and pulls (currently) around 130k records. As you can imagine, too much for a client. 🙂 I need help and examples if possible on how I can implement client/server table pagination. Any help is appreciated, thanks! https://mudblazor.com/components/table#server-side-filtering,-sorting-and-pagination (I followed this, but I don't quite understand its implementation for server-side, it seems all client-side to me.)
12 Replies
realivanjxツ2y ago
do u have api for pagination in the first place? if not then u need to make them first
Amos2y ago
I have an endpoint, but it's just a simple fetch and return all. I think that's my main question, how do I go about doing that on the server-side endpoint?
realivanjxツ2y ago
do you know how to query your database to return n items from x? return 10 items from 100th entry for example
FusedQyou2y ago
MudBlazor has documentation for the table component. It has a specific section for "Server Side Filtering, Sorting and Pagination" Solution: work off that, and you pass the TableState's Page and PageSize as query parameters. Your server will then skip Page * PageSize and take PageSize. Adjust as needed. Assuming you use EntityFramework, skip and take are the exact methods you need Regular SQL expressions are basically the same though
FusedQyou2y ago
If you want my tip: the .NET team is working on their own table variant called quickgrid. I like this better. https://aspnet.github.io/quickgridsamples/
Samples using the QuickGrid component for Blazor.
Amos2y ago
Okay thanks both. 🙂 Should the skip/take reference be passed via url query? How do other people handle this?
FusedQyou2y ago
url query is usually used
FusedQyou2y ago
This is typescript, but you get the idea. This is how my methods usually look like.
FusedQyou2y ago
PaginationRequest on the client. I defaulted to the first page, and 3 per page.
FusedQyou2y ago
Usually your API will then return the total items in the database, and the actual result. Your paginator can then define the amount of pages by checking ceil(totalItems / itemsPerPage)
Amos2y ago
Much appreciated for the complete answer. 🙂 I'll give this a go, thanks for your time!
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