C#2y ago

❔ Roslyn compiler magic?

I have this WebAPI project in dotnet framework 4.7 I replace a dll manually in bin and bin/roslyn folder I run the project add references to dlls(say, to the bin folder). All good. But then I see the old dll has come back to bin/roslyn and when I see the reference in VS I see the path is also now of bin/roslyn
6 Replies
333fred2y ago
What are you talking about?
MODiX2y ago
I have this WebAPI project in dotnet framework 4.7.2 I replace a dll manually in bin and bin/roslyn folder I run the project. All good. But then I see the old dll has come back to bin/roslyn and when I see the reference in VS I see the path is also now of bin/roslyn
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Angius2y ago
tl;dr: an attempt at installing Nuget packages downloaded on one PC, on another PC without internet access By... moving .dlls into /bin/ folder
333fred2y ago
That's not a good idea The bin folder is for outputs, not inputs If you need to manually reference dlls, put them somewhere else Or use the actual nuget package
Accord2y ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.