having issues carrying variables to methods

i cant quite figure it out
19 Replies
Jamster33882y ago
so im making a simple rpg game and im trying to save the variables to a method that displays character info ((i know it needs refining id like to just get it working
Jamster33882y ago
Jamster33882y ago
thought id take a better screenshot
Down2y ago
specify type of varriables you want to recieve
Jamster33882y ago
In the ()?
Down2y ago
static void WriteSomething(string text) {
static void WriteSomething(string text) {
Jamster33882y ago
So if I’m calling a variable I have to do it with every static method?
Down2y ago
how can you call a varriable you defined your methods inside Main method move them out and then call them inside Main
Jamster33882y ago
Ahhhhhh I get it now So you kinda enable those variables per method And specify it
Down2y ago
kind of
Jamster33882y ago
So you can specifically define which variables per method
Down2y ago
also if you want to use those properties
Down2y ago
you need to make them static as well
Jamster33882y ago
So change them from public?
Down2y ago
public is fine just add static public static float ...
Jamster33882y ago
Ah ok what will making it static do?
Down2y ago
that you can use it in static methods and all your methods must be static if you want to call them inside Main since main must be static method complicated stuff
Jamster33882y ago
ah il figure it out lmao but yeah that fixed a lot of stuff and i learnt something very useful thanks!
Down2y ago
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