I can't JSON to List ;_; [Answered]

The JSON value could not be converted to System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Card]. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 1.'
The JSON value could not be converted to System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Card]. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 1.'
That's my error Here's my attempt to just call and dump it into a List.
private static async Task ProcessRepositories()
var stringTask = client.GetStringAsync("https://api.magicthegathering.io/v1/cards/");
var msg = await stringTask;
var cards = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Card>>(msg);
private static async Task ProcessRepositories()
var stringTask = client.GetStringAsync("https://api.magicthegathering.io/v1/cards/");
var msg = await stringTask;
var cards = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Card>>(msg);
100 Replies
I looked at the JSON returned and it starts like this {"cards":[{"name":"Ancestor's** so I see where my issue is, but I don't know how to address it. a <List<Card> is not the same as a {"cards": arrayOfCards so I understand I should make a class for the "cards" in the json, with my existing Cards class inside of it. I'm going to try that.
mtreit2y ago
Did you create the json by hand?
No it's return from the URL above https://api.magicthegathering.io/v1/cards/ This returns 100 cards as default and the opening {"cards":[{"name":"Ancestor's here indicates there is an object above the actual card when returning multiple correct? I don't know what it looks like when returning 1 card alone that was meant to be a question. sorry
mtreit2y ago
Are you using Visual Studio?
mtreit2y ago
This might help you:
what do i click on?
mtreit2y ago
That's on the Edit menu
lol I'm misunderstanding.
mtreit2y ago
yeah I just gotta copy the return first. still get the error using autogenerated content sec
mtreit2y ago
Did you try deserializing to RootObject?
System.Text.Json.JsonException: 'The JSON value could not be converted to System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Rootobject]. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 1.'
System.Text.Json.JsonException: 'The JSON value could not be converted to System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Rootobject]. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 1.'
mtreit2y ago
No, just RootObject Not List
oh lmao okay okay that worked. I understand a bit now. I wasn't adding Card as array in my previous class second question, if it returns one object, this form is still generally valid, or is it implementation dependent
mtreit2y ago
Not sure what you mean
the fact that the return structure is a list of cards in this case
mtreit2y ago
Totally depends on what was serialized
if it's one card returned it'd probably still be {"cards": oneCardInArray oh alright
mtreit2y ago
BTW you can change Card[] to List<Card> and it should still work just fine.
yeah thanks for that too so when the json has an array built in I can't use the Deserialize<List<Object> that is what was tripping me up because EVERY tutorial on it I found was using that the deserialize multiple objects returned b ythe json
mtreit2y ago
I don't actually work with JSON that much but I don't think you can choose to deserialize a subset of the data. I think other formats like protobuf actually support that but I'm not aware that JSON does.
well not to to a portion, just the way you tell it it's a list or array but either way I understand a bit more, and thank you very much for that.
Accord2y ago
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mtreit2y ago
You can serialize a List<Card> yourself to see what that looks like in JSON. The root element is a JSON array in that case. It looks like this (I removed all properties except Name for brevity)
[{"Name":"Card 0"},{"Name":"Card 1"},{"Name":"Card 2"},{"Name":"Card 3"},{"Name":"Card 4"},{"Name":"Card 5"},{"Name":"Card 6"},{"Name":"Card 7"},{"Name":"Card 8"},{"Name":"Card 9"}]
[{"Name":"Card 0"},{"Name":"Card 1"},{"Name":"Card 2"},{"Name":"Card 3"},{"Name":"Card 4"},{"Name":"Card 5"},{"Name":"Card 6"},{"Name":"Card 7"},{"Name":"Card 8"},{"Name":"Card 9"}]
Yeah I get that bud
mtreit2y ago
Now you could take that and deserialize that to a List<Card>. But that's not the format that the web site is giving you.
so what's the point of deserialize<list<object>> right that's not the format yeah I was just approaching it the wrong way because I didn't look at the data
mtreit2y ago
The point is that you would use that for data that is formatted like the example I gave above.
Yeah that's how the bulk data is formatted I tried that first which is why I was on this path lol couldn't get that sorted either xD. well I may just comment here for you when I try the bulk data again. thank you very much for the help. yes the return from the api was the {"cards": {...} thing I couldn't figure out how to send specific delimiters to it, but that's not really a C# question lol
mtreit2y ago
(Invoke-WebRequest "https://api.magicthegathering.io/v1/cards").Content
(Invoke-WebRequest "https://api.magicthegathering.io/v1/cards").Content
lol why is this a bruh moment? I have 0 experience with this jsyk xD I did a specific card via \card\cardIdNumber instead of a query to get a single card and it returned JSON in the same format. Unless you meant something else. I lied actually. It is inconsistent. lol. I figured it'd automatically wrap it in an array so it could be deserialized the same way every time. Hey one more question if you don't mind. There's SDK available for this API and .net but I'm avoiding to learn more about .net and not their SDK. Does that make sense? Or should I just use the SDK and this hardship is a bit of a waste of time?
mtreit2y ago
@rtreit probably loves this question... My twin brother. He doesn't like SDKs
lmaooo I figured it would be a valuable learning experience. Was I wrong?
mtreit2y ago
Using the raw web calls instead of the SDK is absolutely a valuable learning experience
I'll probably take up the SDK at some point to make learning other things easier, but for now it seemed like a good choice. most awesome. Thanks for the reassurance bud. If you have suggestion for what specifically to git gud with in this regard I'm all ears xD I was just gonna pick things that looked relevant from the docs and try implementing whatever
rtreit2y ago
mtreit2y ago
Just keep doing what you're doing I think
aight. Thanks again. blobthumbsup
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mtreit2y ago
I only used System.Text.Json for this experiment
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Unknown User2y ago
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oh I didn't know that was a thing thanks man
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Unknown User2y ago
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could you edit in the code I did? so i can see easier to compare?
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Unknown User2y ago
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do you mean don't pass the response to a string first?
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Unknown User2y ago
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alright will do
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mtreit2y ago
I'm not sure what you're saying so 🙂
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Unknown User2y ago
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lmao i'm gonna try and do that in a bit thanks again
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Unknown User2y ago
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yeah that makes a ton of sense
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Unknown User2y ago
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so i can deserialize the object that gets the json directly i didn't know that
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Unknown User2y ago
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tbh i didn't even know what that object is because i always see it as var isn't it just a string anyways?
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mtreit2y ago
I really have no idea what @tebeco is talking about but as someone who doesn't know json I assume he has some point
yeah for sure. I'm just learning it so i didn't bother doing the extras
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mtreit2y ago
I'm aware of this but have no idea how it applies to the code examples in this thread
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Unknown User2y ago
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hey can you write out what you mean for me?
private static async Task ProcessRepositories()
var stringTask = client.GetStringAsync(
var msg = await stringTask;
var cards = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Rootobject>(msg);
private static async Task ProcessRepositories()
var stringTask = client.GetStringAsync(
var msg = await stringTask;
var cards = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Rootobject>(msg);
here's the original method just so i can see what you're saying
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Unknown User2y ago
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oh crap lmao that's uh, a huge improvement
mtreit2y ago
What does that have to do with utf8?
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Unknown User2y ago
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it's a lot less data getting created and dumped for no reason
mtreit2y ago
System.Text.Json doesn't care? I'm missing something
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Unknown User2y ago
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what does GetJsonAsync come from?
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Unknown User2y ago
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nope. I saw some stuff about blazor
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but I'm not using anything blazor googling the command
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mtreit2y ago
I guess I need to see a benchmark
well json.http isn't it xD
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mtreit2y ago
That wasn't a joke <:PES_SadGe:814280618959568896>
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Unknown User2y ago
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I'm supposed to be doing shoulder shrugs right now 👀
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Unknown User2y ago
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oh no i was just shitposting lol. I'm sitting her etrying to get this package to work instead of finishing workout
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mtreit2y ago
Just do the simplest thing possible and don't worry about micro-optimization
i added from package manager but still not working
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not recognizing the command saved and reopened 1 sec
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS1061 'HttpClient' does not contain a definition for 'GetJsonAsync' and no accessible extension method 'GetJsonAsync' accepting a first argument of type 'HttpClient' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) MTGCardDownloader C:\Users\samue\source\repos\Goofin\MTGCardDownloader\MTGCardDownloader\MTGCardDownloader\Program.cs 20 Active
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS1061 'HttpClient' does not contain a definition for 'GetJsonAsync' and no accessible extension method 'GetJsonAsync' accepting a first argument of type 'HttpClient' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) MTGCardDownloader C:\Users\samue\source\repos\Goofin\MTGCardDownloader\MTGCardDownloader\MTGCardDownloader\Program.cs 20 Active
i installed from package manager and have using
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Unknown User2y ago
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is it because client is HttpClient?
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Unknown User2y ago
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LMAO no error now 1 sec lmao because I read getfromjsonasyn when googling and didn't catch it derp Hot diggity that's cool man thanks a ton for telling me about that package what's BCL Oh. I had to add it 🤷🏻‍♂️ what that means, idk. lmao. yeah wasn't available to HttpClient until added unless i did something wrong which is always a possibility xD
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Accord2y ago
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