❔ need help with a small project
anyone able to help me with a small project
or help show/teach me how to do something?
so this game im trying to learn c# to help with
in game they use a blured out clip as the background
this.backGroundVideoPlayer = new VideoPlayer();
videoContent = new ContentManager(Services.Instance) { RootDirectory = @"Content" + "Video" };
backGroundVideo = videoContent.Load<Video>("tm");
i think this is what is used
i helped to get a bunch of new clips
i was told that i need to do this
"You have to make a class, set up an event for the video end, make a transition for the video end, handle the video going out of memory because for some reason it does, then you do the random videos which you need to either make with a post fix of 123ect or put the videos in it's own dir and grab all of them in an array but idk if monogame supports that. Then you have to generate seed for the rand function that you have to keep that seed in memory so it is truly random. Then you can finally go into the main screen and attempt to use what you have made and most likely have to debug and fix bug for the next 8 hours."
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