C#2y ago

❔ Is there a way to remove brackets from empty methods?

public MismatchedEnumLengthsException() : base("Length of values and enums are different. You are required to pass as many values as there are enums")
public MismatchedEnumLengthsException() : base("Length of values and enums are different. You are required to pass as many values as there are enums")
I don't need those brackets. Can't I make this look prettier?
19 Replies
Angius2y ago
JochCool2y ago
As far as I know, no
TheRanger2y ago
why would you do that?
Angius2y ago
Most you can do is
public MismatchedEnumLengthsException() : base("Length of values and enums are different. You are required to pass as many values as there are enums"){}
public MismatchedEnumLengthsException() : base("Length of values and enums are different. You are required to pass as many values as there are enums"){}
to put it all on the same line
Dultus2y ago
To save two lines for every 'empty' method that I don't need. Yeah, figured as much. Though CodeRush automatically "fixes" that and puts them in two new lines. x)
Thinker2y ago
public Ctor(int x) : base(x); is a thing I wish you could do but you unfortunately can't rainowo
Angius2y ago
PRs welcome when
ffmpeg -i me -f null -
😈 public MismatchedEnumLengthsException() : base("lol") => _ = this; public MismatchedEnumLengthsException() : base("lol") => = new {}; public MismatchedEnumLengthsException() : base("lol") => GetType(); public MismatchedEnumLengthsException() : base("lol") => Array.Empty<int>(); public MismatchedEnumLengthsException() : base("lol") => ((Action?)default)?.Invoke(); i remember i did something like calling an empty action or something, somewhere
jcotton422y ago
Just put them together at the end of the same line
TheBoxyBear2y ago
Is there actually a reason you can inline methods but not constructors?
jcotton422y ago
TheBoxyBear2y ago
public string Foo() => "foo"; Or in the case of a constructor would be public Foo() => Prop = 1;
jcotton422y ago
pretty sure you can do that?
TheBoxyBear2y ago
Right, just remembered my bad
MODiX2y ago
REPL Result: Success
public class Foo {
public int I { get; set; }
public Foo(int i) => I = i;
public class Foo {
public int I { get; set; }
public Foo(int i) => I = i;
Compile: 426.565ms | Execution: 37.465ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
ffmpeg -i me -f null -
like, i wrote 5 inline constructors just above your post...................
Angius2y ago
You can do cool stuff with inline ctors and tuples
MODiX2y ago
REPL Result: Success
class Foo
public int A { get; set; }
public int B { get; set; }

public Foo(int a, int b) => (A, B) = (a, b);

new Foo(7, 8)
class Foo
public int A { get; set; }
public int B { get; set; }

public Foo(int a, int b) => (A, B) = (a, b);

new Foo(7, 8)
Result: Foo
"a": 7,
"b": 8
"a": 7,
"b": 8
Compile: 490.760ms | Execution: 52.068ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
Accord2y ago
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