C#2y ago

❔ Touch number pad in Windows 11

Hi, I'm trying to find out, how to get this number pad. Problem is, I'm creating cash system, which is aimed to Windows tablets and current windows keyboard for numbers is UX disaster. Thank you for any help or clue where to find more
24 Replies
mikernet2y ago
What kind of app? Like what UI framework are you using?
sharpmike2y ago
Windows App SDK latest version -> 1.2.2
mikernet2y ago
When you say "windows keyboard for numbers is UX disaster" are you talking about the full keyboard or did you narrow the input scope to numbers?
sharpmike2y ago
Windows 11 has for input scope "Number" this layout
sharpmike2y ago
which is absolutely wrong in cash system, especially in business like restaurant, bar, ...
mikernet2y ago
sharpmike2y ago
Windows 10 have better layout, but still not perfect
sharpmike2y ago
Image has been used in some issue on github, so therefore red box
mikernet2y ago
Tbh last time I worked on a POS system I just made my own number input box that pops up a numpad
sharpmike2y ago
but it still have number pad, which could be used very simply oh
mikernet2y ago
Like a custom design numpad So if you want a particular layout that is probably the way to go
sharpmike2y ago
Yeah, I get it, I play with this idea too, but first I want to use something, that is working :/ okay, thank you for your help 🙂
mikernet2y ago
There might be a way to do what you are looking for with built-in keyboard but not sure off hand
sharpmike2y ago
i hope I find way to use built-in 😄
mikernet2y ago
I would try a different input scope Like NumericPassword maybe Expected input is a numeric password, or PIN. Would probably narrow down the available keys And probably show the pinpad style input
sharpmike2y ago
nothing worked i tried every input scope
mikernet2y ago
💩 You tried Digits as well?
sharpmike2y ago
of course, every from the list 😄
mikernet2y ago
sharpmike2y ago
from alphanumeric to url (or which is last) 😄
mikernet2y ago
sharpmike2y ago
and Of course I tried even CoreInputViewKind enum values maybe there will be right number for this num pad, but trying all int values to find out, I will try it even on my death bed :/ 😄 okay, I found out, where has been problem. WIndows 11 has small keyboard, which is in may case (language) available only for QWERTZ layout, not for QWERTY or programmer 😄
mikernet2y ago
Ah, I see
Accord2y ago
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