C#3y ago

Which .NET, ASP and ADO BCL classes implement the IEnumerable interface?

Is there an exhaustive list or any other way to iterate through each of the three BCLibraries to identify which classes implement the IEnumerable interface? AFAIK only List<> and arrays implement IEnumerable, but I'm curious which others there are
5 Replies
Saber3y ago
surwrenOP3y ago
That article names some examples of IEnumerables but it's not an exhaustive list Also it doesn't show which ADO or ASP classes have concrete implementations of IEnumnerables
surwrenOP3y ago
Do all classes of System.Collections.Generic implement IEnumerable?
Saber3y ago
will show a bunch of them, might not be all but is there any actual reason you need the entire list?
surwrenOP3y ago
I'm just honestly curious to know the extent of LinQ usage with IEnumerables specifically

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