C#2y ago

Project Structure

how would you guys structure a big project (planning on making a general purpose game engine) wich uses 3 base projects (Editor CoreLibrary Launcher) (windows only) in terms of folder strucutre nameing conventions and overall referencing there could be a better way than this i belive:
8 Replies
Dropps2y ago
(its alrdy about 5million LOC but i wanna refactor the entire project strucutre to maybe get a performance boost on it)
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Dropps2y ago
uhh kind of hard to explain how it currently is but ima try it out the Core project has all logic in it everything thats somehow need processing or methods the Launcher and Editor are entirely UI projects in those files are only UI depended dataproviders no logic or anything that gets all importet by the core project
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Dropps2y ago
well ive had some ppl in a other server suggesting me to split it up into each type 1 csproj file so all interfaces go into one project all models get into one all enums all services etc wich i really doubt is good
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Unknown User2y ago
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Dropps2y ago
hmm thanks alot still maybe someone else has a idea too
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