❔ how can I add a custom analyzer to omnisharp(vscdoe's css extention)?
I was having problems with auto complete while using unity, I tracked the problem down to this issue https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode/issues/4991
as you can see, I'm having the same problem.
some one suggested
you need to mess a bit with Custom Analyzers to make it work fully, you need to download the nupkg file of Microsoft.Unity.Analyzers, open it with 7zip or winrar as a zip, and navigate to -> analyzers/dotnet/cs/ and add to Omnisharp as a custom analyzer the Dll that is in there. This should fix the problem, it did for me
how to I add the dll file to omnisharp?GitHub
VSCode c# extension not working due to not finding .NET. · Issue #4...
Environment data dotnet --info output: .NET SDK (reflecting any global.json): Version: 6.0.101 Commit: ef49f6213a Runtime Environment: OS Name: Windows OS Version: 10.0.18363 OS Platform: Windows R...
21 Replies
have you installed the .net framework sdk?
have you generated the project file in unity?
have you opened the project file (assembly.csproj or similar) in vscode?

ctrl+shift+p select project
nothing changed
i don't see the framework installation
install net framework 4.7.2 explicitly
i think it's 4.7.2
might be 4.8.0 I'm not sure
you've installed net core sdk
I see
thanks for your help
so I was installing it when it showed me the following:
.NET Framework 4.7.2 or a later update is already installed on this computer.
what do I do?
the sdk
why do you need that for analyzers?
oh, Unity
I'll be honest, that quote you have makes absolutely no sense
Just turn on roslyn analyzers
If unity is doing a package reference in your csproj correctly, that will work fine
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