❔ how can I add a custom analyzer to omnisharp(vscdoe's css extention)?
I was having problems with auto complete while using unity, I tracked the problem down to this issue
as you can see, I'm having the same problem.
some one suggested
you need to mess a bit with Custom Analyzers to make it work fully, you need to download the nupkg file of Microsoft.Unity.Analyzers, open it with 7zip or winrar as a zip, and navigate to -> analyzers/dotnet/cs/ and add to Omnisharp as a custom analyzer the Dll that is in there. This should fix the problem, it did for me
how to I add the dll file to omnisharp?30 replies
❔ omnicharp not working
I'm using vscode to edit my scripts in unity, however vscode's auto compeletion doesn't work.
from the google searches I did, omnisharp is causing the problem.
as It appears, the newer versions of omnisharp don't really work well with unity.
so how can I replace my omnisharp with an older version?
17 replies