C#2y ago

❔ LeetCode 409 Longest Palindrome

So I have a very hard time trying to understand the logic/thought process behind this puzzle. The full puzzle description is here https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-palindrome/?envType=study-plan&id=level-1 I understand I need to care about the middle chars (like for example if the string is "abcccab" the middle chars to care about are "ccc"). But I am totally stuck with how to go about the rest. I have watched a couple of videos explaining "add +1 to the length of the odd string" which left me rolling eyes. I need to apply foreach/for loops, sure I got it but I am generally puzzled with how to apply pointers to this puzzle. Could anyone kindly explain the basic logic for this LC exercise (no code example please) to me like you would do it to a 5 y/o?
Longest Palindrome - LeetCode
Longest Palindrome - Given a string s which consists of lowercase or uppercase letters, return the length of the longest palindrome that can be built with those letters. Letters are case sensitive, for example, "Aa" is not considered a palindrome here.   Example 1: Input: s = "abccccdd" Output: 7 Explanation: One longest palindrome that can...
11 Replies
Saber2y ago
Explaining the logic without explaining the underlying algorithm to solve the problem sounds kinda hard
morry329#OP2y ago
Ok, then could you kindly explain the logic with the algorithm? I just don't want to glare the solution code just yet
Saber2y ago
Theres several different ways to solve it in varying complexity. One way would be to use the "expand around center" algorithm. Loop through indexes in the string (0 to Length), and at each index, you expand in both directions until the string is no longer a pallendrome. Given bbaaabb You'd skip index 0 because you can't expand left, 1. bba is not a pallendrome 2. baa is not 3 aaa is, expand out, baaab is, expand out, bbaaabb is, and you can't expand further. 4 aab is not 5 abb is not 6 skip because you can't expand right
Aaron2y ago
this isn't the problem the problem is to give the length of the largest palindrome you can build using a given set of characters
Saber2y ago
your right I misread
Accord2y ago
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morry329#OP2y ago
Thank you so much (and sorry for the late response, I have been busy in the last few days). So if I want to give the length of the largest palindrome I can apply this expand around center algorithm. Let's say - would it be one of the possible workaround to check the length of the palindrome which I can't expand further (like cccbbbbbccc then I would say the length is 11)?
Aaron2y ago
nah they were wrong about the question that isn't the right algorithm it's asking, if you're allowed to rearrange the letters, what's the length of the longest palindrome you can make they thought the question was "what's the longest palindrome you can make from a substring of this string?" which is a different question
morry329#OP2y ago
Yeah I understand I need to find out the length of the longest palindrome I can make I still feel like allergic to think about the cases where the length of the palindrome is odd or even
Saber2y ago
Maybe you can count the occurrences of each character, check if there is at least 1 character with an odd number of occurrences, then sum up the occurances / 2 * 2, and add 1 at the end if there was an odd number. abccccdd has an odd number of a and b's, a 1 / 2 * 2 = 0 b 1 / 2 * 2 = 0 cccc 4 / 2 * 2 = 4 dd 2 / 2 * 2 = 2 add one because at least 1 character had an odd number and you get 7 is the longest.
Accord2y ago
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