Observable collection
Hello, i'd like to know/understand why the event Collectionchanged isn't triggered when i change a value in my datagrid ? In the following picture we have in the datagrid material an item with the name "mat23", and in the second picture the same thing but after renaming the first material "mat23" to "mat".
The datagrid.ItemSource is set to my observableCollection "MaterialObservable".
4 Replies
ObservableCollections trigger, when the collection changes. as in items get added/removed/etc.
not when one of the items themselfs change đ
hum well if it's true then there description isn't good ...
take a look here https://stackoverflow.com/a/29609017/5638260
Stack Overflow
Observable Collection replace item
I have a ObservableCollection, I can add and remove item from the collection. But I can't replace an existing item in the collection. There is a way to replace an item and reflect that on my bound
thanks it seem a bit tricky but i think i've understand đ