What's the most optimal approach to learning to implement functions?
Context: I'm really stressed out by the pace of my course, constantly panicking, and right now I feel like I'm about to cry.
Say for example in your notes there's a quiz in slide x, and the answer to said quiz is in slide x+1. You have access to both slides.
What is the most optimal option to learn this during self- study?
From what I see there are 2 approaches:
1. Struggle to come up with my own solution and ONLY look at the quiz answer after I've typed everything out.
FWIW, I think this is the best solution as I get to think things through.
The issue is that this takes a lot of time, and if I did this for all "quizzes" I would not be able to keep pace with the course.
The panic from not keeping pace eats away at my health by building my stress endlessly.
I end up losing my mind from repeated panic because I'm too slow and end up falling sick frequently.
2. Type the model code from slide x+1 into MSVS manually and go through it as many times as time allows.
My peers look down on and deride me for taking this approach, but I really don't see how I can avoid falling sick if I don't take this approach.
I still have 4 more slide decks to cover before the weekend is over, there's literally no time for me to do option 1 unless I want to commit educational suicide and fail intentionally.
Is there an option 3 that I'm somehow missing?
Am I just stupid and slow and deserving of death?
Please advise. I'm trying to drink more water to stave off my head cold while I grind at MSVS
7 Replies
The image for this thread is somewhat related, it's the quiz question- the answer is technically only 5 lines long but for some reason I'm unable to come up with it independently.
I'm not sure if it's the head cold or the mounting panic that's stopping me, or just that I am cranially deficient (most logical answer)
Also, why am I so stupid? It genuinely feels like everyone has completely understood at a rapid pace and is leaving me behind. I feel like I should die or kill myself for being this stupidly and ridiculously slow, as I am a subhuman piece of trash.
Stack Overflow
How to create a node in c#
I am new to c# and switched from c to c#. I want to do equivalent of c to c#. The same i have in c like this:
temp = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
where Node is:
struct Node
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I'm so stupid that I completely miscommunicated my issue. There is no issue with finding the solution to the quiz. The solution is literally handed to us on slide x+1
Say for example in your notes there's a quiz in slide x, and the answer to said quiz is in slide x+1. You have access to both slides.I'm only just going insane because of how everything is piling up. I haven't had time to revise the things I learned a month ago and I'm already getting things that I won't have time to revise I'm not looking for a technical answer to the quiz question, I'm looking for a lifestyle practice/approach to what is essentially an impossible time compression requirement to comprehend indigestible quantities of information in impossible amounts of time (which I believe will also be demanded in the industry, not just in the course) I should be a dead failure because of my incompetence please fucking kill me
How is it that people are intelligent enough to come up with this type of solution without research, within 5 seconds of reading the quiz question I posted above? I don't know if I'd be able to replicate that feat if given a 2 months to grind and process the code. I am so fucking stupid, I deserve to die, I hate myself, I hate myself, please kill me
I literally searched the exact function declaration with quotes around it
"private Node GetNodeAt(int index)"
Programming is just googling until you understand a concept to implement it or find out what a function does or looks like
You should do 1, but you should implement google foo and peek when you get stuck
So that you dont idle in productivity
and feel free to chat about concepts with others, especially here. Without the existential crisisUnknown User•3y ago
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