C#•3y ago

Keyset pagination with filters

Hello everyone! I use this piece of code (probably very inefficient piece of code) to get employees from database using keyset pagination.
public IEnumerable<EmployeeView> GetEmployees()
var amount = _appState.ItemsPerPage;

var lastId = _appState.LastEmployeeId ?? 0;

var employees = _context.Employees
.OrderBy(e => e.EmpNo)
.Where(e => e.EmpNo > lastId);

#region filters
if (_appState.GenderFilter.GetAllowedValue(out var allowedGender))
employees = employees.Where(e =>
e.Gender[0] == allowedGender);

if (_appState.DepartmentFilter.GetAllowedValue(out var allowedDepartment))
employees = employees.Where(e =>
_departmentService.GetDepartmentName(e.EmpNo) == allowedDepartment);

if (_appState.SalaryFilter.GetAllowedValue(out var allowedSalary))
employees = employees.Where(e =>
_salaryService.GetSalaryValue(e.EmpNo) >= allowedSalary.From &&
_salaryService.GetSalaryValue(e.EmpNo) <= allowedSalary.To);
#endregion filters

employees = employees.Take(amount);

_appState.LastEmployeeId = employees.Last().EmpNo;

return employees.ToList().Select(e => new EmployeeView(
FirstName: e.FirstName,
LastName: e.LastName,
IsMale: e.Gender == "M",
DepartmentName: _departmentService.GetDepartmentName(e.EmpNo),
JobTitle: _titleService.GetTitleName(e.EmpNo),
Salary: _salaryService.GetSalaryValue(e.EmpNo)
public IEnumerable<EmployeeView> GetEmployees()
var amount = _appState.ItemsPerPage;

var lastId = _appState.LastEmployeeId ?? 0;

var employees = _context.Employees
.OrderBy(e => e.EmpNo)
.Where(e => e.EmpNo > lastId);

#region filters
if (_appState.GenderFilter.GetAllowedValue(out var allowedGender))
employees = employees.Where(e =>
e.Gender[0] == allowedGender);

if (_appState.DepartmentFilter.GetAllowedValue(out var allowedDepartment))
employees = employees.Where(e =>
_departmentService.GetDepartmentName(e.EmpNo) == allowedDepartment);

if (_appState.SalaryFilter.GetAllowedValue(out var allowedSalary))
employees = employees.Where(e =>
_salaryService.GetSalaryValue(e.EmpNo) >= allowedSalary.From &&
_salaryService.GetSalaryValue(e.EmpNo) <= allowedSalary.To);
#endregion filters

employees = employees.Take(amount);

_appState.LastEmployeeId = employees.Last().EmpNo;

return employees.ToList().Select(e => new EmployeeView(
FirstName: e.FirstName,
LastName: e.LastName,
IsMale: e.Gender == "M",
DepartmentName: _departmentService.GetDepartmentName(e.EmpNo),
JobTitle: _titleService.GetTitleName(e.EmpNo),
Salary: _salaryService.GetSalaryValue(e.EmpNo)
This code works perfectly fine unless i activate filters. I get an exception that ef core can't translate my shitty Linq to SQL and that's kinda understandable. But the question is, how can I make this work? Afaik loading all entities to list, filtering and then taking, for example 50 entities isn't a good idea.
12 Replies
SernikOP•3y ago
sorry for my english and thanks for help!
Brady Kelly
Brady Kelly•3y ago
Post us the exact details of that "can't translate" exception please. Then, I've often found that is the result of using custom functions in your where clause like GetDepartmentName. One solution is to first query and get a dictionary of all departments for you employees collection and do a dictionary lookup instead of using GetDepartmentName
SernikOP•3y ago
The LINQ expression 'DbSet<Employee>()
.OrderBy(e => e.EmpNo)
.Where(e => e.EmpNo > __lastId_0)
.Where(e => (int)e.Gender.get_Chars(0) == (int)__allowedGender_1)' could not be translated. Additional information: Translation of method 'string.get_Chars' failed. If this method can be mapped to your custom function, see
https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2132413 for more information. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable',
'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2101038 for more information.
The LINQ expression 'DbSet<Employee>()
.OrderBy(e => e.EmpNo)
.Where(e => e.EmpNo > __lastId_0)
.Where(e => (int)e.Gender.get_Chars(0) == (int)__allowedGender_1)' could not be translated. Additional information: Translation of method 'string.get_Chars' failed. If this method can be mapped to your custom function, see
https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2132413 for more information. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable',
'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2101038 for more information.
It would add complexity to this method, but ill try that also somehow this can't compare two chars, but can compare two strings, so when I convert gender char to string, first filter works
Brady Kelly
Brady Kelly•3y ago
It's not failing on your GetDepartmentName, but it looks like it's failing, for the first time at least, on e.Gender[0] == allowedGender. Looks like it doesn't like indexing on a string. A possible solution, assuming GenderFilter.GetAllowedValue returns a char, is to use e.Gender == allowedGender.ToString().
SernikOP•3y ago
yeah, I did that and it works thanks
Brady Kelly
Brady Kelly•3y ago
Oh, you already found that out. It's not that it can't compare chars, but it can't use indexing on a string like e.Gender[0]
SernikOP•3y ago
im trying to do something with this now:
Unhandled exception rendering component: The LINQ expression 'DbSet<Employee>()
.OrderBy(e => e.EmpNo)
.Where(e => e.EmpNo > __lastId_0)
.Where(e => ___departmentService_1.GetDepartmentName(e.EmpNo) == __allowedDepartment_2)' could not be translated.
Unhandled exception rendering component: The LINQ expression 'DbSet<Employee>()
.OrderBy(e => e.EmpNo)
.Where(e => e.EmpNo > __lastId_0)
.Where(e => ___departmentService_1.GetDepartmentName(e.EmpNo) == __allowedDepartment_2)' could not be translated.
One solution is to first query and get a dictionary of all departments for you employees collection and do a dictionary lookup instead of using GetDepartmentName
Is there any better way to do this? I don't want to store in memory, for example 20 000 salary records wait a minute, i have an idea... nevermind, it's worst linq i have ever seen and it does't even work
if (_appState.DepartmentFilter.GetAllowedValue(out var allowedDepartment))
employees = employees.Where(e =>
(e.DeptEmps.MaxBy(de => de.ToDate) != null &&
e.DeptEmps.MaxBy(de => de.ToDate)!.DeptNoNavigation.DeptName == allowedDepartment)
|| (e.DeptManagers.MaxBy(dm => dm.ToDate) != null &&
e.DeptManagers.MaxBy(dm => dm.ToDate)!.DeptNoNavigation.DeptName == allowedDepartment));
if (_appState.DepartmentFilter.GetAllowedValue(out var allowedDepartment))
employees = employees.Where(e =>
(e.DeptEmps.MaxBy(de => de.ToDate) != null &&
e.DeptEmps.MaxBy(de => de.ToDate)!.DeptNoNavigation.DeptName == allowedDepartment)
|| (e.DeptManagers.MaxBy(dm => dm.ToDate) != null &&
e.DeptManagers.MaxBy(dm => dm.ToDate)!.DeptNoNavigation.DeptName == allowedDepartment));
Brady Kelly
Brady Kelly•3y ago
You could use a subquery to get e.g. department name and trust that the database will optimize those lookups
SernikOP•3y ago
Wow, it works, thanks!
SernikOP•3y ago
query looks like this:
SernikOP•3y ago
it probably has horrible efficiency, but it works 😄
Brady Kelly
Brady Kelly•3y ago
It doesn't look too inefficient. Mush better than separate queries for departments and salaries for each employee

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