❔ Can someone help me with my snake game?

Hi everyone reading this. I’m pretty new to C#, so please go easy on me. I have a snake-game (wpf), and the next level should have some kind of obstacle. So I made this for the next level. See picture please. My problem now is that the apples that spawn with the Random Class might land on top of my obstacles. Is there anyway to make sure that they do not? The other picture is the code for apples being spawned. Would really appreciate help!
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Buddy2y ago
$paste please
MODiX2y ago
If your code is too long, you can post to https://paste.mod.gg/ and copy the link into chat for others to see your shared code!
Buddy2y ago
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hiyosilver2y ago
This is pretty wild, ngl. Is it meant to be free-form? Because Snake seems like a pretty solidly grid-based game. If you did that you wouldn't have to do this funky collision check you do with VisualTreeHelper which is presumably what you'd have to do to check the apple against the Snake and Border shapes before placing it. If you had the entire board as a grid, like a 2D-Array of tiles or some such thing, you could make everything so much easier for yourself. Unless it is meant to be free flowing in which case... well its WPF I guess, it's bound to be painful making games in it 😄
Buddy2y ago
yes The game should not be tied to the controls, but in a separate class. acting on it's own.
OK. Thanks for your comments! This is supposed to be like this. This is an exercise I have to do. Do you see a way to do what i asked, with this code? You don't need to give me a direct answer how its done. But maybe you can give me a hint. Its driving me mad.! 🥲
Accord2y ago
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