C#2y ago

Installing the 3.1 SDK on Linux via package manager [Answered]

Maybe a stupid question, but I'm trying to install 3.1 because I think Monogame requires it. When I run apt-cache search dotnet, I only get results for 6.0. Have the packages for 3.1 been discontinued? I kind of don't want to install manually - just feels a bit untidy. I'm on PopOS if that is relevant.
3 Replies
Angius2y ago
Worst case scenario, you can just curl the tarball, extract it, and install that with apt Ah, you said you don't want to do it manually, derp https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/linux-ubuntu#how-to-install-other-versions It seems that yes, apt only has the latest version, any other needs to be installed manually Which is honestly weird, but it is what it is
Becquerel2y ago
PepeHands well
Accord2y ago
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