C#2y ago

❔ Error with Text Classification with ML.NET

I'm studying about ML.NET and started study about Text Classification. I'm trying to use TorchSharp for Text Classification but i got some errors. The first one said that there was a system incompatibility with some of the TorchSharp dll-dependencies. And I resolved with the code below: torch.InitializeDeviceType(DeviceType.CPU); After that, Appeared another error... everytime I Run the system, when the method "Fit()" is executed the system drops the error below and close the program with an error: O thread 0x2ae8 foi fechado com o código 0 (0x0). O thread 0x50dc foi fechado com o código 0 (0x0). O thread 0x1c7c foi fechado com o código 0 (0x0). O thread 0x3388 foi fechado com o código 0 (0x0). O thread 0x4e6c foi fechado com o código 0 (0x0). O thread 0x9d4 foi fechado com o código 0 (0x0). O programa "[16436] MattEland.AI.MLNet.TextClassificationTurtles.exe" foi fechado com o código 4294967295 (0xffffffff). Here is the code and the 2 classes used:
1 Reply
Accord2y ago
Looks like nothing has happened here. I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.