C#2y ago

Update Text Color OnTriggerEntry

Within ZoneUpdater, I have a public colour variable that can be changed within the editor Based on this, under my other script within void Update(), I have:
zoneDisplayUI.color = gameObject.GetComponent<ZoneUpdater>().textColour;
zoneDisplayUI.text = "ZONE: " + currentZone;
zoneDisplayUI.color = gameObject.GetComponent<ZoneUpdater>().textColour;
zoneDisplayUI.text = "ZONE: " + currentZone;
Why doesnt this work, currently it completely removes my text
4 Replies
Anton2y ago
the alpha is 0 set it to 1
c_ccc2y ago
c_ccc2y ago
it isnt 0 i manually set it within the editor and the text quite simply disappears, i know this because of i have the format of the text right to left and the 'Zone:' pushes all the way over when i remove the colour changing line (line1) its fine it works the text appears so im completely baffled
Anton2y ago
check the alpha when you're setting it just to be sure